Monday, August 28, 2006

Missing Those Days...

Missing Those Days...
Tht Beautiful Life
Those Charming Frnds
the Competitons & the football matches

Those Antaksharis in the class
tht "CMS trip"
we brought with us the phrase..
"Don't show ur Cheapness, YAAR !!"

My Class 6th & the evergreen
Garden outside its window
The feelings tht came with first drop of rain...
Those feelings have lost their value
in the course of time...

I m missin those Memories
which r Fading away....

- Suyash

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Never Give Up - just keep the Faith !!

In the name of "Sai Baba"
i present u this beautiful story:

One day I decided to quit...
quit my job,
my relationship,
my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

'God !' , I said, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit? '
His answer surprised me...
'Look around, He said. Do you see the fern and the bamboo? '
'Yes', I replied.
'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water.The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grewmore vibrant and plentiful.And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.' He said.
'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit.' He said.
'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots.
Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.',He said to me.
'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, You have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you.'
'Don't compare yourself to others', He said.
'The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful.
Your time will come', God said to me, 'You will rise high '
'How high should I rise?', I asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?', He asked in return.
'As high as it can', I answered
'Yes', He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can !!'

Friday, August 18, 2006

Fight Against Chappal-Chor

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You say it best... When you say nothing at all

The smile on your face...
Lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes...
sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand...
says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best.....
When you say nothing at all

(Song: When You Say Nothing At All )
(Artist: Alison Krauss)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Friendship Week !!

Here Are a few Quotes dedicated to All my Friends:

"You can choose your friends but not your relatives" - Hiren

"What is a friend?
I will tell you...
it is someone with whom
you dare to be yourself."
- Frank Crane

"Don't be dismayed at good-byes.
A farewell is necessary before you can
meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,
is certain for those who are friends."- Richard Bach

"A friend is someone who is there for you
when he'd rather be somewhere else."- Unknown

"The better you know someone, the less there is to say.
Or maybe, there's less that needs to be said."- Unknown

"Can miles truly separate us from friends?
If we want to be with someone we love, aren't we already there?"- Richard Bach

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."- Helen Keller

"When a friend's in trouble,
don't insult him by asking what you can do,
think for yourself and start doing it."- Unknown

"A brother is not always a friend,
but a friend is always a brother."- Unknown

Friday, August 04, 2006

Funny & Naughty Quotes !!

I Thought I Could Trust U
U Said U Wouldn't Lie
But Then U Ran Off...
With MY GIRL !! ­ ­ ­ ­:(

It's always darkest before dawn.....
So if you're going to STEAL the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it...

You're Only Bad If You're Caught... So That Makes Me A Good Guy, RIGHT!?

Warning: Dates in calendar are closer than they appear...

Your Village Just Called, Their Missing Their Idiot!

There are 3 kinds of people:
1. Those who can count
3. Those who can't

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day,
Teach him how to fish,and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day...

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you !!

I didn't say it was your fault,
I said I was going to BLAME you...

If It Weren't For Girls, I'd Quit College!!

Join the Army,
Meet interesting people, and kill them...

Multitasking means screwing up several things at once...

Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them !!

Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips !!

Q: Why do men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
A: For the same reason dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving !!